Saturday, October 13, 2007

Book lovers are a particular breed of people

So glad to see that somebody stopped by to chat! But I wasn't at home! Sorry to miss you.

Anna and I just got home from Nashville where I exhibited my book and advertised my new web site at the Southern Festival of Books at the Legislative Plaza.
I've recently joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. I volunteered at the SCBWI's booth at the festival. Nice group of people-- these children's writers and illustrators-- full of helpful information and lots of heart to heart encouragement for writing.

I met a woman yesterday named Patricia Wiles. She is lovely! Among other things, she has written a series (four books) for kids. The main character is a boy whose parents own and operate a funeral home. The books look so fun and I know kids would be intrigued by the whole notion of dead bodies and funerals!

I watched the crowd at the book festival and I realized that book lovers are a particular breed of people. I hope we never die out. While this web site, the internet and Word documents are so handy and helpful-- there's something so deeply satisfying about holding a book in my hands and turning the pages. Even the smell of books is pleasant to me. I collect books. I have this idea that the books on my shelf help to define me and enlarge me, even connect me to others and make my world more meaningful-- just by being in my home.

Thanks for stopping by!

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