Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! It is gray, cold and wet here in Tennessee-- just as it should be for Thanksgiving Day. The colors of the leaves seem more beautiful against a gloomy background. And the turkey tastes better after a brisk walk through chilly air.

My mother is in her bed at the nursing home. She always appears comfortable these days. Like an infant in a crib, she lies in her bed and entertains herself with kicking and reaching, making noises and smacking her lips.

I found tears in my eyes last night as I told her that tomorrow would be Thanksgiving Day. I miss being with her on this holiday, being with her in her home on the hill outside Nashville where she baked the most excellent pies in all the world. She also made yeast rolls that had a touch of orange peel in them, a festive flavor. I've never had rolls like that anywhere else. I miss playing Anagrams and Scrabble with her. She beat me every time, hands down. But I'd like to have another chance to challenge her.

My mother is here with me but I miss her. Our relationship now is limited by what Alzheimer's has left behind. Holiday memories are sweet and powerful. I'm thankful today for the apparent comfort my mother experiences. She appears content and for that I am grateful to the nursing home staff and to the Love that surrounds us all.

I bought a fabulous pie, apple/caramel with pecans, at Fresh Market. And I feel certain that somebody at today's pot luck will provide great dinner rolls to be lathered in butter. I'll enjoy my meal, my friends and my memories-- knowing that so much of what I have to be grateful for today is because of the goodness in my Mother's heart and how she has shared that goodness with me.

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